ABSOLUTE AIR Shipped From:
Absolute Air LLC
1305 40th Street NW
Faribault, MN 55021
Certificate of Analysis
Customer Messer
Product Nitrogen, NF
Time In 06/25/2022 09:13:39
Time Out 06/25/2022 09:14:24
Trailer T21
Load 1
Lot 55021-N-22-176-1-T21
Gross Weight, lbs 75000
Tare Weight, lbs 34500
Net Weight, lbs 40500
Pre-Fill Result Specification Method
Pass Pass
Post-Fill Result Specification Method
Purity, % 99.9891 >= 99.0000 Assay by difference O2, CO, and H2O
O2, ppm/V 100 <= 10,000 O2 by Teledyne 3000TA-XL Electrochemical
CO, ppm/V 4 <= 10 CO by Teledyne GFC-7001T Non-Dispersive Infrared
H2O, ppm/V 5 N/A H2O by Teledyne 8800A Electrochemical
Odor None None Organoleptic
Analyst: I declare that this analysis was completed within all Absolute Air policies and procedures and that the product meets Absolute Air specifications.
Signed Date/Time
Release By: I declare that this certificate is accurate, completed, and compliant with the applicable policies and procedures and that the product meets Absolute Air specifications.
Signed Date/Time
Picked Up By: I declare that I have received the required documentation for shipment of this product and that I have the North American Emergency Response Guide or an MSDS.
Signed Date/Time